Saturday, June 3, 2023

Mirena IUD vs Copper T IUD

I compared the copper T IUD to the Mirena IUD as seen on sonography. 

Copper T IUD:

Mirena IUD: 

Mirena IUD is seen as thick with many lines on ultrasound imaging: 
because it is made up of a T-shaped plastic frame and a reservoir filled with a hormone called levonorgestrel. The T-shape of the frame and the multiple lines of the reservoir create a characteristic ultrasound appearance.

The T-shaped frame of the Mirena IUD is about 32 millimeters long and 3 millimeters thick. The reservoir is about 25 millimeters long and 5 millimeters thick. The reservoir contains about 52 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is a hormone that is released into the uterus over the course of five years.

The levonorgestrel in the Mirena IUD thickens the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg. It also thins the lining of the uterus, making it less likely for an egg to implant.

Uses of Mirena IUD:
The Mirena IUD is a very effective form of birth control. It is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It is also a good option for women who have heavy menstrual bleeding, as it can reduce bleeding by up to 95%.

Differences between ultrasound appearances of Mirena IUD and copper T IUCD:

A. Mirena IUD:
    * The Mirena IUD is a T-shaped intrauterine device (IUD) that releases the hormone levonorgestrel.
    * On ultrasound, the Mirena IUD appears as a T-shaped structure with a small echogenic dot at the tip of each arm. Multiple linear echoes are seen around the Mirena IUD. 
    * The T-shaped structure may be surrounded by a hypoechoic halo, which represents the surrounding endometrial tissue.
    * The Mirena IUD may also cause posterior acoustic shadowing, which is a dark area behind the IUD that is caused by the sound waves being blocked by the IUD.

B. Copper T IUCD:
    * The copper T IUD is a T-shaped IUD that is coated with copper.
    * On ultrasound, the copper T IUD appears as a T-shaped structure with a smooth, uniform echogenicity. Single layered line of the body of copper T IUD seen. This is in my opinion the main difference between the two. 

Some additional points to consider:

1. Position: The Mirena IUD and copper T IUD should be in the fundus of the uterus. If the IUD is not in the fundus, it may be displaced or expelled.

2. Size: The Mirena IUD is larger than the copper T IUD. This may make it easier to visualize on ultrasound.

3. Shape: The copper T IUD has a T-shape, while the Mirena IUD has a straight shape. This may also make it easier to differentiate between the two IUDs on ultrasound.

More on comparison of Mirena IUD and copper T:

A. Mirena IUD:

* Mirena IUD is a hormonal IUD that releases the hormone levonorgestrel.
* It is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider.
* It is 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy.
* It can last for up to 7 years.
* Mirena IUD may cause side effects such as irregular bleeding, spotting, or amenorrhea (absence of periods).
* It may also cause cramping, headaches, and nausea.
* Mirena IUD is a good option for women who are looking for a long-term, highly effective method of birth control that can also help to manage heavy menstrual bleeding.

B. Copper T IUCD:

* Copper T IUCD is a non-hormonal IUD that contains copper.
* It is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider.
* It is 99.2% effective at preventing pregnancy.
* It can last for up to 10 years.
* Copper T IUCD may cause side effects such as heavier bleeding, cramps, and spotting.
* It may also cause an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the first few weeks after insertion.
* Copper T IUCD is a good option for women who are looking for a long-term, highly effective method of birth control that does not contain hormones.

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