Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Only one his kidneys have failed

Elderly patient with atrophied left kidney. 
All the signs of medical renal disease involving the left kidney. 
The left kidney is barely visible on ultrasound. 
Color Doppler shows poor vascularity. 

Contrast this with the normal right kidney:

Normal vascularity seen in the normal right kidney. 

So here the list of ultrasound findings in this case:
The left kidney appears smaller in size than the right kidney.
The kidney tissue appears more echogenic (brighter) than normal, which may indicate the presence of scar tissue or an increase in fat content.
The normal boundary between the outer (cortex) and inner (medulla) regions of the kidney appears indistinct, suggesting a loss of cortico-medullary differentiation.
The kidney may in some cases appear lobulated or have an irregular shape due to scarring or other changes in the tissue.
Blood flow to the kidney is reduced, as evidenced by a decrease in renal artery size and flow velocity.
There may be signs of associated urinary tract obstruction, such as hydronephrosis (not present here).
It's important to note that these ultrasound findings can be indicative of several different conditions affecting the left kidney, and further testing and evaluation may be necessary to determine the underlying cause.

So what is this condition?
Unilateral medical renal disease is a medical condition that affects one kidney and can cause a range of symptoms, including:

Pain or discomfort in the affected kidney area
Blood in urine
Urinary tract infections
High blood pressure
Fluid retention and swelling in the legs and feet
The most common causes of unilateral medical renal disease include:

Kidney stones
Urinary tract infections
Renal artery stenosis
Congenital abnormalities
Treatment: for this condition depends on the underlying cause and may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes. 

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